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Webinars, Workshops, & Podcasts
"Loneliness and Isolation (of chronic pain) [Podcast]." https://youtu.be/udaoFo9EZTo?si=BVINeikgQy77Xks2 (2024)
"Imposter Syndrome & Chronic Pain/Headache [Podcast]." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKvKJajyhDU&ab_channel=MigraineDisorders (2024)
"Medical Gaslighting [Podcast]." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKvKJajyhDU&ab_channel=MigraineDisorders (2024)
"Medical Gaslighting in the Chronic Illness Community | Melissa Geraghty, Psy.D. | Dyscovery Edu. [Webinar]" https://youtu.be/_Mqh3_DWAIg (2023).
Cefaly (2023). Interview on Mental Health and Migraine for Mental Health Awareness Month. Interview at RetreatMigraine. tiktok.com/t/ZTRKGGXke/
"How to Live Well with Chronic Pain [Webinar]" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=feYu81_3DJw (2023).
"Stuck in Bed [Podcast]" https://youtu.be/LiAlrkN34mA (2022).
"Migraine Medication Failures [Podcast]" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=di3Kw5tjZWg (2022).
"Eating disorder myths debunked [Podcast]" https://www.kevinmd.com/2022/06/eating-disorder-myths-debunked-podcast.html (2022).
"Medical Gaslighting - It's not in your head! [Podcast]" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1a5v-WXE4c&feature=youtu.be (2022).
"Coping with Medical Gaslighting on Your Path to a Spinal CSF Leak Diagnosis [Webinar]." https://youtu.be/jSu4Dznwklw (2022).
"Matters of Mental Health [Podcast]." https://soundcloud.com/tabupodcast/matters-of-mental-health-episode-4 (2022).
“To the patient who wants to die: a psychologist’s perspective [Podcast].” https://www.kevinmd.com/blog/2021/07/to-the-patient-who-wants-to-die-a-psychologists-perspective-podcast.html (2021).
“Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT).” Virtual Conference: The 2020 Migraine Symposium Hosted by The Association of Migraine Disorders. https://www.migrainedisorders.org/podcast/s3ep22-acceptance-commitment-therapy/
"Compassion with Comorbidities." Presented at the Virtual RetreatMigraine, Sponsored by CHAMP (2020).
"Migraine and Mental Health: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly." Co-presented with Jamie Sanders. Opening workshop at RetreatMigraine, Sponsored by CHAMP (2019). https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2322677541311958&id=858189684367140
INvisible Project: “Voices Heard.” This video was first shown on Saturday, June 2, 2018 at the U.S. Pain Foundation's Real Hope Real Heroes Gala. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6kSqG-0SbLs&t=90s
"Mindfulness and Chronic Pain: Going Beyond One's Psychological Suffering." 3 Part Webinar with The International Pain Foundation (iPain) (2016).
Part 1: https://youtu.be/AN3zXbIoxCE
Part 2: https://youtu.be/G_wEUCG-Fr4
Part 3: https://youtu.be/3T10ykjK1UY
My iPain Featurette with The International Pain Foundation (iPain). (2016) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MBP81espuCA (I now have many more conditions that were not mentioned in this video!)
“It Could Be Worse and Other Things NOT to Say to Patients With Chronic Pain” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HPs2uNUx1Uk&list=PLUoDvWhFAXKnJwwESUto7uI8fXz-LY4Fd&index=20&t=934s&ab_channel=GracieGeanChronicPainAdvocacy%26Consulting
"The Impact of Chronic Pain in Adolescence." Recorded at PAINWeek 2016. https://www.painweek.org/media/video/impact-chronic-pain-adolescence
"Issues in Patient-Provider Communications on Chronic Pain." Recorded at PAINWeek 2016. https://www.painweek.org/media/videos/issues-patient-provider-communications-chronic-pain
Melissa Geraghty PAINWeek 2014 On-the-Spot Interview. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I9iqdpLDfKQ
Quoted in MigraineAgain. Gerring-Leone, H. (2024). Why Unsolicited Advice for Migraine is Upsetting, Plus How to Help Instead. https://www.migraineagain.com/unsolicited-advice-upsetting-how-to-help-instead/
Quoted. Hattle, A. (2024). Diabetes and Depression: How Mental Health Affects Disease Management. Interviewed by the U.S. Pain Foundation for Invisible Project, Diabetes (1st Edition). https://invisibleproject.org/magazines/
Quoted. Leach, M. (2024). Exposing the Hidden Burden: Breaking Down Diabetes Stigma. Interviewed by the U.S. Pain Foundation for Invisible Project, Diabetes (1st Edition). https://invisibleproject.org/magazines/
Glaser, A. (2023). Britney Spears Reveals She Has Migraine Attacks as a Result of the Conservatorship. Interviewed for Migraine Again. https://www.migraineagain.com/britney-spears-migraine-memoir/
Ballard, K. (2023). Medical Gaslighting: The Devastating Effects of Being Told Your Symptoms are not Valid. Interviewed by the U.S. Pain Foundation for Invisible Project, Disparities (3rd Edition). https://invisibleproject.org/medical-gaslighting-the-devastating-effects-of-being-told-your-symptoms-are-not-valid/
I was interviewed by The U.S. Pain Foundation for their INvisible Project, Disparities (3rd Edition) (2023). Article by Kirsten Ballard. https://invisibleproject.org/medical-gaslighting-the-devastating-effects-of-being-told-your-symptoms-are-not-valid/
Alana Hippensteele from Pharmacy Times wrote this article about the Medical Gaslighting workshop I presented at the Peggy Lillis Foundation C Diff Advocacy Summit in Washington DC (2023). https://www.pharmacytimes.com/view/peggy-lillis-foundation-c-diff-advocacy-summit?utm_content=bufferbf20d&utm_medium=social&utm_source=linkedin.com&utm_campaign=buffer
Interviewed for Mind Over Matter Magazine by the Women’s Brain Health Initiative (2023). "Medical Gaslighting: How to Spot it & What to Do About it." https://static1.squarespace.com/static/6032a27b67a0aa2fe9c97693/t/643e24f40a19315e3eb5dde1/1681794322063/MOM-Magazine-16-Spring-2023.pdf
"C. diff stories: Dr. Melissa Geraghty, Psy.D." Peggy Lillis Foundation (2023). https://peggyfoundation.org/story/dr-melissa-geraghty-psy-d/
Quoted in Parade: "Could You be a Victim of Self-Gaslighting? 5 Signs of the Subtle Form of Self-Sabotage and How to Stop, According to Experts." (2023) https://parade.com/living/self-gaslighting
"The Unknowns of Long COVID and its Impact on Chronic Pain." (2022) By: U.S. Pain Foundation. I was interviewed about my experience with Long COVID. https://uspainfoundation.org/news/unknowns-of-long-covid-and-chronic-pain/
Quoted in Forbes Health, "Disordered Eating: Causes, Warnings Signs And How To Seek Help." Author: Emily Lawrence. https://www.forbes.com/health/mind/disordered-eating/?fbclid=IwAR0NmauhpO5mOoE_ShMsauPbgoviEpiAT7dN-9jq11m_otTs0WfbDHiAkgQ
"Migraine and Suicide." Medically Reviewed by Dr. Geraghty; Author: Kylie Petrarca https://www.migrainedisorders.
Quoted in Oprah Daily: "52 Affirmations for Self-Love." (2022).https://www.oprahdaily.com/life/a40709244/affirmations-for-self-love/
"Fighting for Access & Advocating with Dr. G." Interview by Jenn Heater of CHAMP (2022). https://www.migraineheadacheawarenessmonth.org/fighting-for-access-advocating-with-dr-g/
“Dr. Melissa Geraghty Psy.D. of Phoenix Rising with Dr. G." Rare Revolution Magazine (2022). https://www.phoenixrisingwithdrg.com/blog/honored-to-be-featured-in-rare-revolution-magazine
"I'm an Eating Disorder Psychologist--These are my 4 tips to help parents." Newsweek (2022). https://www.phoenixrisingwithdrg.com/blog/i-m-an-eating-disorder-psychologist-these-are-my-4-tips-to-help-parents
"3 eating disorder myths that healthcare professionals should debunk." (2022). https://www.phoenixrisingwithdrg.com/blog/3-eating-disorder-myths-that-health-care-professionals-should-debunk
"How to manage Long COVID." Author: Stephanie Cajigal. I am quoted in this article. (2021). https://www.phoenixrisingwithdrg.com/blog/quoted-in-brain-life-magazine
"The keyboard warriors will never stop--but we can stop reacting." (2021). https://www.phoenixrisingwithdrg.com/blog/the-keyboard-warriors-will-never-stop-but-we-can-stop-reacting
"To the patient who wants to die: a psychologist's perspective." (2021). https://www.phoenixrisingwithdrg.com/blog/to-the-patient-who-wants-to-die-a-psychologist-s-perspective
Spinal CSF Leak Foundation (2021). Interviewed for #duradash spotlight: Melissa Geraghty. https://www.phoenixrisingwithdrg.com/blog/duradash-spotlight-melissa-geraghty
"The ‘Covid Cloud’ Is Real." Author: Dr. Jessi Gold. I am quoted in this article. (2020). https://www.phoenixrisingwithdrg.com/blog/quoted-in-instyle-magazine-the-covid-cloud-is-real
"I Got COVID 9 Months Ago and Still Have Symptoms." Newsweek (2020). https://www.phoenixrisingwithdrg.com/blog/i-got-covid-9-months-ago-and-still-have-symptoms
What's a pain psychologist? Dr. Melissa Geraghty can explain. (2019). https://www.phoenixrisingwithdrg.com/blog/what-s-a-pain-psychologist-dr-melissa-geraghty-can-explain-2
"What Parents Can do to Promote Body Acceptance." (2018). https://www.phoenixrisingwithdrg.com/blog/what-parents-can-do-to-promote-body-acceptance
"Weight culture escapes no one." (2018) https://www.phoenixrisingwithdrg.com/blog/weight-culture-escapes-no-one
"When you have chronic pain, and then you become sick." (2018) https://www.phoenixrisingwithdrg.com/blog/when-you-have-chronic-pain-and-then-you-become-sick
INvisible Project: Migraine Addition (1st Edition). U.S. Pain Foundation (2017). https://www.phoenixrisingwithdrg.com/blog/dr-g-is-featured-in-the-invisible-project-migraine-addition-1st-edition
“Medical history and current medications documents.” (2017) https://www.phoenixrisingwithdrg.com/blog/medical-history-and-current-medications-documents
"A Letter to Caregivers." (2017) https://www.phoenixrisingwithdrg.com/blog/a-letter-to-caregivers
“Commitment and Chronic Pain: A Potent Combination.” (2016) https://www.phoenixrisingwithdrg.com/blog/commitment-and-chronic-pain-a-potent-combination
"The One Thing People with Chronic Pain Think but Cannot Say Out Loud." (2016) https://www.phoenixrisingwithdrg.com/blog/the-one-thing-people-with-chronic-pain-think-but-cannot-say-out-loud
"Chronic Pain and the Patient/Provider Conversation." (2016) https://www.phoenixrisingwithdrg.com/blog/chronic-pain-and-the-patient-provider-conversation-painweek
"Chronic Pain in Adolescence: What's Different, What's the Same?" (2016) https://www.phoenixrisingwithdrg.com/blog/chronic-pain-in-adolescence-what-s-different-what-s-the-same-painweek
"The Biopsychosocialspiritual Impact of Chronic Pain, Chronic Illness, and Physical Disabilities in Adolescence." (2015) Co-Author: Dr. Dawn Buse, Ph.D. https://www.phoenixrisingwithdrg.com/blog/the-biopsychosocialspiritual-impact-of-chronic-pain-chronic-illness-and-physical-disabilities-in-adolescence
"Bereavement: Healing from the Loss of Someone You Love." (2015) https://www.phoenixrisingwithdrg.com/blog/bereavement-healing-from-the-loss-of-someone-you-love
"Pregnancy and Beyond: Is it the Baby Blues or Postpartum Depression?" (2015) https://www.phoenixrisingwithdrg.com/blog/pregnancy-and-beyond-is-it-the-baby-blues-or-postpartum-depression
"Living with Chronic Pain." (2015) https://www.phoenixrisingwithdrg.com/blog/living-with-chronic-pain
"Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT)." (2015) https://www.phoenixrisingwithdrg.com/blog/acceptance-commitment-therapy-act
YouTube Channel
Recommended Resources
Over the years, many patients and their families have asked me for recommendations of books, workbooks, and comfort items. I have compiled the following lists with my recommendations (items will be added periodically):
- Pain, Medical, and Chronic Illness
- Eating Disorder Books
- Mindfulness Books
- Therapy Books and Workbooks
- Grief Books
- Intimate Relationships Books
- Pregnancy and Parenting Books
- Care for Skin, Lips, and Hair
- Tea
- And for fun…Everything Dogs!
Please click the below link to take you to these resources:
Note: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. #AmazonInfluencer
All information provided on my Amazon Storefront (www.amazon.com/shop/mindfuldrg) is meant to be informational and does not replace any advice from a healthcare professional. By accessing the suggested lists you agree to indemnity and hold Dr. Melissa Geraghty harmless from and against all liabilities, legal fees, damages, losses, costs and other expenses in relation to any claims of actions.
Supportive Websites
The Coalition For Headache And Migraine Patients (CHAMP). "Our mission is to improve the lives of people with migraine, cluster and other headache diseases by aligning coalition participants and empowering patient voices." Dr. Geraghty is a past CHAMP Inaugural Board Member and current Mental Health Advisor. https://headachemigraine.org/
The National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders (ANAD). "ANAD’s mission is to relieve suffering by providing support & education to those struggling with disordered eating and body image." Dr. Geraghty was an ANAD Board Member from 2018-2021. https://anad.org/
U.S. Pain Foundation. "The mission of U.S. Pain Foundation is to empower, educate, connect, and advocate for people living with chronic conditions that cause pain." https://uspainfoundation.org/
LGBTQI Mental Health Resources: https://www.nami.org/Your-Journey/Identity-and-Cultural-Dimensions/LGBTQI
Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) Mental Health Resource Guide: "This guide was created with a focus on BlPOC mental health to be utilized by clinicians, patients/clients, and allies. This resource guide is comprehensive; however, not exhaustive. Our hope is that this resource guide will be shared and updated to better understand, treat, and hold space for BIPOC." https://ncaaorg.s3.amazonaws.com/ssi/mental/SSI_BIPOCMHResourceGuide.pdf
"The International Pain Foundation (iPain) is devoted to advancing access and quality care in order to help people suffering from a variety of muscular skeletal, inflammatory, neurological, emotional, degenerative and often rare conditions that involve chronic pain through education, awareness, and access to care projects.” https://internationalpain.org/
Inspire: “Leading social network for health that connects patients and caregivers in a safe permission-based manner.” https://www.inspire.com/join/
“Wellness House envisions a community where all people affected by cancer thrive. Offered at no cost, and as a complement to medical treatment, our programs educate, support, and empower participants so they will improve their physical and emotional well-being.” www.wellnesshouse.org
“NAMI is the National Alliance on Mental Illness, the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness.” https://www.nami.org/home
“To Write Love on Her Arms is a nonprofit movement dedicated to presenting hope and finding help for people struggling with depression, addiction, self-injury, and suicide. TWLOHA exists to encourage, inform, inspire, and invest directly into treatment and recovery.” https://twloha.com/
Spinal CSF Leak Foundation. "Our mission at the Spinal CSF Leak Foundation is to reduce the suffering of persons affected by intracranial hypotension or spinal cerebrospinal fluid leak." https://spinalcsfleak.org
Awareness for POTSies. "We strive to be a voice of hope and source of community for those navigating postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) and co-occurring conditions. Our mission is to increase awareness, empowerment, support, and education for individuals who are diagnosed, in addition to increasing awareness and education within the medical community. We don’t want anyone with POTS or other co-occurring conditions to feel isolated or alone." Dr. Geraghty is a Mental Health Advisor. https://www.awarenessforpotsies.org/
Crisis & Support Services
Phoenix Rising with Dr. G and any interactions with Dr. Melissa Geraghty are not substitutes for psychological care or medical assistance, nor will psychological guidance be administered. Dr. Melissa Geraghty is unable to support you during a crisis, or answer any of your medical or psychological questions, as she is not your clinical health psychologist.
If you feel you need to speak with a mental health professional, you can find a psychologist (Psy.D. or Ph.D.) or a counselor or social worker (LCPC, LPC, LCSW, LSW) in your area by searching the following websites or checking with your insurance provider (Dr. Geraghty cannot guarantee the quality of these websites, healthcare professionals, or if their information is up-to-date):
Upon searching for a psychologist or counselor, call or email them to find out if they specialize in the difficulties you are experiencing. Remember, you have the right to ask questions and find someone who you connect with.
If you are in an emotional or suicidal crisis, call 911 or 988 (Suicide & Crisis Lifeline) or go to your nearest emergency room.
Dr. Melissa Geraghty cannot guarantee the crisis line information below is up-to-date or accurate and she cannot guarantee the quality of the services provided by any crisis line or crisis resource.
Crisis Line Information:
988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline
Number: 988
Website: https://988lifeline.org/
The Trevor Project
Number: 1.866.488.7386
Website: http://www.thetrevorproject.org/section/get-help
Info: Crisis intervention and suicide prevention for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning youth. TrevorChat and TrevorText also available.
Veteran’s Crisis Line
Number: 1.800.273.8255, Press 1
Website: http://www.veteranscrisisline.net/
Online Chat: http://www.veteranscrisisline.net/ChatTermsOfService.aspx